Summary API Documentation


IrisAgent's AI can be used an API to summarize support conversations to know the core of the customer issue and the resolution steps taken by the support team.

API Guide

Below is a curl command to call our Summary API:

curl -X POST --location "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer Replace_me_business_id" \
    -H "X-Language-Iso-Code: en" \
    -d '{
          "conversationId": "12345",
          "subject": "Application will not access Flight Log",
          "description": "When clicking on Flight Log the application keeps producing an ERROR message and will not allow access or Flight Log updating. ",
                  "comment": "Please help to fix this ASAP.",
                  "commenter": "Customer"
                  "comment": "Thank you for the information. I have forwarded this issue with all the details to our engineering team for further investigation. I will let you know as soon as any new information becomes available. John Doe | Technical Support Specialist | Acme Systems International, Inc.",
                  "commenter": "Agent"
                    "comment": "Billy - Please let the customer know that this issue has been fixed.",
                    "commenter": "Agent"
                    "comment": "I have updated and closed this issue as resolved. While I'm confident we've addressed your issues, if you have any other questions, comments or concerns feel free to create a new ticket. I'm here to help.Please do NOT reply to this email unless you would like us to reopen it. Thank you 
 John Doe | Technical Support Specialist O: _ • TF: _
Acme Systems International, Inc.",
                    "commenter": "Agent"

The API inputs are as follows,

conversationId[Required] Unique ticket or chat id
subject[Required] Initial query by the customer. This could be the subject of the email or the first query by the customer in a chat conversation.
description[Optional] Details on the initial query by the customer. This could be the description of the initial email by the customer. Leave empty for a chat conversation.
comments[Optional] Array of messages between the customer and the agent. Each message should have the following fields:
  • comment: [Required] Message content
  • commenter: [Required] Author of the message: Either "Customer" or "Agent"
Replace_me_business_idThis is the ID provided by the IrisAgent team
X-Language-Iso-Code[Optional] This optional header allows you to specify the desired language for IrisGPT's responses. If not provided, automatic language detection will be used

A sample output of the API:

  "summary": "**Summary of Conversation:**\n\n- **Issue:** The customer reported that the application's \"Flight Log\" feature was not accessible. Clicking on it resulted in an error message, preventing access and updates.\n\n- **Actions Taken:** The technical support agent forwarded the issue to the engineering team for investigation and informed the customer that the problem had been resolved.\n\n- **Resolution:** The issue was fixed, and the customer was notified. The support ticket was subsequently updated and closed, with an invitation to create a new ticket if further assistance was needed."

A sample output of the API when no summary was generated:

  "summary": ""

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