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Sep 09, 2024 | 11 Mins read

Overcoming Customer Support Challenges: Holistic Strategies to Succeed

Customer Support is getting increasingly contextual as a business differentiator in the digital age, but the path to delivering great support has several challenges that can make or mar a huge impact on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, hence impacting holistic success. The article points out the biggest challenges to customer support in 2024 and follows with actionable strategies to manage so a business can be resilient and adaptive in this fast-changing landscape.

Managing high customer expectations

As time went by, and customers noticed that service could be almost instantaneous and streamlined in their personal lives, they began to carry the same level of expectation over into their professional expectations of support services. These raised expectations potentially pose a giant challenge for customer support teams, which thus have to provide top-quality service all the time in order not to provoke dissatisfaction and decrease churn.

Why It's a Challenge

Customers are empowered more than ever before by the rise of digital technologies and platforms. Products can be compared, reviews can be read, and brand loyalty can be changed just by the click of a button. That empowerment has shifted expectations, and now customers expect speed, personalization, and proactive support from businesses. And if that doesn't happen, they'll write negative reviews and use social media to vent their ire, potentially losing your business in droves.


Technological advancement, guided by AI solutions in the form of bots, automates routine queries instantly for the mentioned high levels of customer expectations. For more complex issues, AI triages and routes the respective protocol to be followed by human agents. The human agents can provide personalized assistance to deal with the problem at hand. Further, by incorporating mechanisms for customer feedback, firms can constantly improve their support processes to respond to dynamic customer requirements.

Companies should use predictive analytics to anticipate the needs of a customer and go out of the way to be proactive in a problem solution so that a customer's small problems do not grow big to get him angry. Not only will it improve the customer experience, but it will also build trust and loyalty. For instance, if a company notices a trend of related questions coming from multiple customers, it might work to proactively address that issue through focused communications or enhancing self-service resources.

Customer Interactions at Scale

Customer Interactions at Scale

High volumes of customer interactions within this digital age, particularly during peak seasons, may overwhelm the support teams, resulting in increased response times and general customer dissatisfaction, including a decrease in agent productivity.

Why It's a Challenge

Customer interactions have increased multifold since the digitization of commerce and services. On holidays or during special offers, it is known that the number of queries increases two- to threefold. Such a tremendous increase sets off a slippery slope of issues such as slow response times, errors, and frustrated customers. High volumes require equally high resources, which are not always available.


AI-powered automation is one reception that is surely prone to help you manage a host of interactions. Chatbots take care of routine queries, ensuring that only complex issues are handled by human agents. In like fashion, automated ticketing systems sort and prioritize incoming requests, ensuring that urgent issues are solved quickly. Invest in scalable technologies of support that will develop with your business. This is what will enable you to handle the increasing volumes of interaction without affecting the quality of service delivery.

Complementing the automation drives, businesses should have in place self-service portals and knowledge-bases. Such material will allow the customers to obtain answers for frequently raised questions by themselves, thereby reducing the support teams' load and eventually increase efficiency. This helps businesses focus support efforts on critical/high-touch interactions by enabling customers to be more independent in resolving their issues.

Delivering Seamless and Consistent Support Across all Channels

Today's customer contacts brands through various platforms: social media, email, live chat, or by phone. But, it becomes really challenging to provide a unified experience across these channels when the data is at different places.

Why It's a Challenge

With every channel comes its own set of unique requirements and customer expectations. For example, end customers expect answers on social media instantly but are more patient when waiting for an email response. Balancing such diversified expectations and, at the same time, maintaining the stand of the brand in regard to voice and quality of service is a difficult task. Besides, when the data for a customer lies into different systems, this results in siloed interactions in which the customer has to repeat the same thing multiple times and gets angry.


An omnichannel support platform unifies all these channels of interactions with a customer. Support teams could view all customer journeys across all channels in one place only if they used the platform. By enabling the agents to have everything at their fingertips, businesses will deliver uniform and efficient support. Training teams to manage different interaction channels together with AI to assist in channel switching can also bring improvements to the overall support experience.

To make an impact on omnichannel support, extend its frontiers by integrating AI-driven sentiment analysis in the mix. Such technology helps businesses analyze customer interactions on a real-time basis and identify the issues that need immediate attention well on time by detecting the emotional tonality and urgency. Intuitively, the primary response to emotionally charged inquiries avoids customer dissatisfaction across any channel by keeping a brand's positive image in check.

Personalizing Customer Interactions at Scale

This is due to the fact that customers now expect personalized experiences, making generic responses quite a turnoff. At the same time, personalization at any level requires an understanding of customer data, something that is extremely hard to manage and put to work effectively, let alone at scale.

Why It's a Challenge

Personalization requires access to rich, all-rounded customer data, inclusive of past interactions, purchase history, preferences, and so on. Handling and analyzing such data on such a scale, especially in large organizations, remain quite a challenge. The other added difficulty is that increasingly, clients are looking for personalization not only in communication but also in the solution to be delivered. Delivering such personalized experiences across all touchpoints consistently can be resource-intensive and, thus, very complex.


personalizing customer interactions at scale

AI powered CRM systems becomes extremely critical in personalization. Agents can draw from historical data, purchase history, or even past interactions with the user in developing solutions that feel very personalized to the customer at hand. AI tools can help analyze customer data in predicting needs and delivering proactive support.

Handling Difficult Customer Issues

This category contains issues that require specialized knowledge or cross-departmental integration and tends to be the type of problem that is almost by definition protracted and annoying for both the customer and the Support Team. Quite often these types of problems have multiple points of contact and lend themselves to delays in getting resolved.

Why It's a Challenge

Complex cases or requests often need teamwork between, for example, technical support, billing, and product development. Coordinating the different departments can become very challenging, especially when each operates in its own silo. In addition, complex issues may sometimes require deep product knowledge or special expertise, which not all support agents possess. Such issues are also time-consuming and can easily lead to frustration if customers are not informed of the progress.


Centralized knowledge base

A central knowledge base across all departments will arm the support teams with the tools needed to enable them to quickly and efficiently resolve these sophisticated issues. Cross-departmental collaboration and continuous training will make it easier for the support agents to learn approaches to handle complex problems efficiently.

Increasing Resolution: To increase the resolution of complicated problems even more, companies should design cohesive escalation protocols to treat high priority cases. Such protocols should define the intervention of subject matter experts and senior management for the treatment of such complicated cases in the best possible ways and at the earliest. These recurring issues can be resolved by designing a proper feedback loop from support teams to different departments for continuous enhancement of the complete organization.

Balancing Automation with the Human Touch

While automation can greatly enhance efficiency, there is definitely a line to draw between riding with the technology and preserving the human touch, which customers so much appreciate. Heavier-than-necessary reliance on automation risks impersonal interaction.

Why It's a Challenge

While automation tools can carry out routine jobs with great competence and very quick response times, sometimes they do not provide the level of empathy and understanding that human agents can. Many customers with sensitive or complex problems will desire some sense of human interaction and will become frustrated that they cannot speak to a live agent or if they receive automated responses that do not fully address their problem.

Balancing automation with human touch


What is important here is to maintain a balance between automation and human intervention. AI-driven tools should be used for tasks oriented at repetition and sending first responses, which come from human agents for complex problems and sensitive issues. This is where personalization will play the key—using customer information helps to ensure solutions personalized to the customer and empathetic conversations. Training agents to handle escalations and incorporating AI tools that assist, rather than replace, human agents are some ways to maintain this balance.

Humanizing Automated Interactions: Sentiment analysis powered by AI can help organizations identify an emotional tone in messages sent by customers. AI can identify whether a person is angry or frustrated, and the technology can send out alerts to humans to intervene to ensure a sensitive ear is given to customers. **Natural language processing technologies** can make automated responses appear more informal and less robotic for a better customer experience.

Keeping Pace with Rapid Technological Change

The rate of change is something that is an opportunity and challenge for every customer support team. Keeping a pace with new tools and platforms and ensure that they will integrate into the existing system seamlessly can be quite overwhelming.

Why It's a Challenge

The rate at which technology is being created for customer support is very fast. New tools and platforms seem to appear every week. While this in itself can very much benefit the support enablers, it also has the downside of demanding that the business change constantly. New technologies have the challenge of being integrated into other existing systems; constant updating can put pressure on resources. There will also be a need to train support teams on new tools, decreasing efficiency for at least a short period of time.

Keeping pace with rapdi technological developments


One of the solutions is continuous technology adoption and assimilation. The company must invest in AI and machine learning tools that not only automate processes but provide insight into customer behavior and preferences for the business. This will ensure constant upgrade cycles for the systems and constant training for workers on new technologies in order to keep the support team light of foot and responsive. Doing so will help the business adapt to new developments without interfering with existing operations.

Creating an Innovative Culture: Beyond merely being up to date with technology, businesses must also create an innovative culture within their support teams. Agents playing with new tools and processes can bring out creative ideas for improvisations in customer support. Again, businesses should tie up with strategic partnerships with technology providers so as to be abreast with the latest tools to be launched and trending in the industry.

Maintaining Employee Morale and Retention

High levels of stress, repetition, and demanding customers all contribute to the pressures that support agents face, leading to burnout and high turnover rates. Maintaining employee morale is very important for the delivery of uniform and quality support.

Why It's a Challenge

In this respect, by nature, the more significant number of customer service jobs can be considered tiresome work. In many cases, the agent has to serve a client with a bad mood; it brings the considerable pressure and even emotional burnout. There is also the problem of routine and job dissatisfaction due to monotonous work. Over time, this leads to burnout, thus high turnover rates. Besides, recruiting and training new agents is a costly and time-consuming affair, so retention is crucial.

Maintaining employee moral and retention


Invest in employee well-being and development. Alleviate stress with the help of AI-enabled tools that bring down the agents' burden of repetition. Regular training programs, opportunities for growth in their careers, and a supportive work environment will also be important in holding on to top performers. Building a culture of recognition and giving autonomy to the agents in decision-making matters can enhance morale and job satisfaction.

Supporting Employee Well-being: In the effort to make sure that the business retains its employees, the business should introduce the wellness programs meant for employees that will cater to their physical and mental well-being, like stress management workshops, mental health days, and availability of consulting. Employees' well-being, when topped up with other benefits, creates a favorable working environment that makes it easy to retain employees for their longer staff and the desired business performance.


Customer enlightenment calls for dealing with multiple dimensions, but good customer service in 2024 will be charted through the right strategy on these matters. Addressing these will enable companies to optimize their support operation and get even closer to the customer: high customer expectations in both service and experience, creating consistent omnichannel experiences, personalization, and servicing of complex issues, and maintaining the right balance of automation with human interaction. As an added layer, being forward with technology and mindful of human factors means being able to deliver great support at a lightning speed, ever-changing world.

Businesses that have their pulse on changing customer needs and are proactive in meeting these challenges head-on will be the powerhouses driving towards success. The bottom line is that investing in the right tools, training, and processes will help to overcome these challenges and turn customer support into one of the leading drivers of business growth and increased customer loyalty. IrisAgent is a one stop AI solution that can vanish all the challenges above. Book a demo of IrisAgent today!

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